Kid Linked

Kid Linked is a thematic universe revolving around the concept of "universe as a flow".
It's essentially my own take on fantasy world building.


The history of Kid Linked, up until the main act, can be split into few sections based on titanic events drastically changing the world.


In the beginning, "The Grand Flow", the source of everything, is thought to have emerged out of nothing. It's a manifestation of constantly flowing energy, matter, and potential.In an indescribable world of nothing and everything, those three existed as abstract primal forces, until something changed in the matter realm.The flow of matter broke away, and formed a psyche of the first god, Zozo.The time of Zozo and other gods, who have broken away from the flow or Zozo himself, are scarcely documented. Known facts are that Zozo have lost a great deal of his raw power after a certain event, forming Jagullah in the process.


Humans were born out of splashes and droplets of diverging flow.Their form was oddly resembling first appearance of Zozo, but their imperfections and skin luscious with color stood out very much. Different splashes made up different tribes of red, blue, and green.While green were living as free spirits, blue and red were overtly tribalist. Blue had a high technological advancement, while red had close relationship with gods. The most powerful bonds broke the mold and formed alliance of red and blue, letting a huge population of purple survive and thrive under oppression from both sides.At some point, however, close to all red have vanished, and in turn, a peculiar race of beige has invaded the world with their never-seen power. This formed an empire stretching through all lands of the world, forming an empire and engraving itself as the name of the realm for ever, Higher Up.

Higher Up

The Kingdom of Higher Up is an empire stretching through out the overworld, due to its overwhelming power from connection to gods. Notably, thanks to the newer god Zlow, they have an immense amount of slave constructs, constantly put to work to uphold logistics and any possible war efforts.Led by king Telus, the country seemingly posed as a service to uplift the societal living standards. But beyond the veil of virtue, were living weapons under ground, and refugees away on an island.


The world of Kid Linked, as mentioned, has come from the grand flow that appeared from nothing.The main difference of that world from ours, is that any set flow is able to manipulate other singular flows en masse, on levels beyound what our physics would allow.What this means is that this is essentially a magic system. The potential to perform magic on one's own, is based on an individual's amount of flow they consist of, and their alignment with their equasion.Equasions, however, can be understood and written in the world language, to perform magic without personal strain. This requires knowledge, practice, and an equal amount of flow to be collected from whatever source, from simple air, to certain catalysts.


Kid Linked strives to achieve a diverse cast of characters (while adhering to my "personal tastes").Below is the link to the character sheet of the full cast.Various characters have their distinct origins.



Zlow is one of younger gods.Notably, he created an army of spawns to establish logistics of Higher Up.After acquiring free will, the spawns dismembered the kingdom, and took the surface for themselves.


Finally, stories worth telling are tied into sagas, and listed here."The Unnamed Beast" is intended to be the introductory, and core story line, with most focus put into it at the moment.

Kid Linked strives to achieve a diverse cast of characters (while adhering to my "personal tastes").Below is the link to the character sheet of the full cast.